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Taline Dinenberg

young living independent distributor #3437891

Nikelle Lovaas- Young Living Essential Oils Distributor


Blessed to be bicoastal between Kauai, Hawaii and San Francisco, California.

the oil lifestyle

I was first introduced to essential oils 11 years ago by my husband Dr. Dan Dinenberg. I was pregnant with my first child, had a terrible toothache and Thieves oil saved me! With our little one on the way, it was life-changing to discover not only all that oils could do to boost our immunity and our support our emotional wellness, but the whole line of thieves non-toxic cleaning products as well. Having had several girlfriends pass away from cancer, I have become passionate about educating people about the toxic products lurking in our homes and offering clean, effective, natural oil alternatives.

what inspires me  

Turquoise blue oceans, lush tropical forests, clean food, my family, burning man, quiet rainy afternoons, bike rides in nature, travel, beautiful textiles.

oils/products i can’t live without

Valor, Thieves, Inner Defense, Young Living Citrus CBD, Ningxia Red