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Miranda Tasker

young living independent distributor #10108629

Nikelle Lovaas- Young Living Essential Oils Distributor  


Lebanon, Oregon

this oil lifestyle 

I fell in love with essential oils when I had babies and used them to make my own wipes, lotions and creams which were free of toxins. Once we entered the toddler years, I was so thankful to use my oils for everything from boo-boos to mood swings (mama and babies included). Mama-hood made me realize how much healthier I wanted to be for my girls and myself. Young Living has been the perfect fit for us!

About ME  

Wife, Painter, Green-eyed baby girl maker. By day, I am a teaching aid for special needs kids or hanging out with my awesome daughters, but by night I am a vixen in my Roller Derby skates. When we have down time, my Husband and our kiddos love exploring our Oregon wonderland and all the mud and moss it has to offer.

products I can't live without

Thieves Cleaner, Thieves Aromabrite Toothpaste, Lime Oil, Deep Relief Roll On, Desert Mist Diffuser