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Meghan bonica

young living independent distributor #3788591

Nikelle Lovaas- Young Living Essential Oils Distributor


Greenville, South Carolina

about me 

I'm a wife, mama, picture-taker and dreamer. Essential oils has given my family an empowering freedom to take charge with our health and well-being. "You don't know what you don't know" couldn't have been more true than when I started my journey with oils. But, once you do you'll wonder how you ever lived without them. We incorporate oils into all aspects of our life. From the plant based cleaning products for our home to purifying the air we breathe, supporting our immunity, sleep, skincare & the list goes on. The results we've seen have been incredible and I'm inspired to share these little bottles of plant magic with you.

What inspires mE  

The beach, photography, home decor, my family and a good sense of humor.

products I can't live without

Lavender, Thieves, Digize, Valor and Super B supplements