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Mareka Thomson

young living independent distributor #14308803

Nikelle Lovaas- Young Living Essential Oils Distributor


Encinitas, CA

this oil lifestyle 

Because I grew up in Europe where products were cleaner, I’ve been reading labels on personal care and household products in the US my entire adult life. Once I had kids it became even more vital for me to eliminate our toxic load from so-called ‘green’ products. Putting clean products on our skin, in our air, and thereby into our bodies is just as important as eating clean food. I love that ancient plant medicine offers us an oil for every aspect of my family’s health, wellness, and play, and that we continuously get to experience their amazing benefits. I’m so excited to share this journey with you.

what inspires me  

Adventures with my family, mountains, trees, wide open sky, hot yoga, travel, gentle energy, natural medicine, authentic living, helping others live healthier.

oils i can’t live without

Northern Lights Black Spruce, Valor, Thieves, Citrus Fresh.

Oils My Kids Can’t Live Without: Lavender, Cypress, Thieves, Tangerine.