Our Community
A community getting crafty with essential oils and leveraging the healing power of plants.
We are a community seeking healthy and non-toxic alternatives for ourselves and our families.
We share a philosophy around natural living, limiting our exposure to harmful chemicals, leveraging the healing power of plants, and getting our hands dirty.
We love to experiment with different blends of essential oils and to share recipes using therapeutic-grade essential oils and organic carrier oils. These recipes and blends empower us and offer us yet another tool in our toolbox when taking care of ourselves and our families.
Meet Our Founders
Yael Marmar
HOMETOWN | Encinitas, Ca
a slice into my life
I have always been a firm believer in a natural lifestyle. As a result, I’ve always sought out organic foods, the purest ingredients, and created a toxin-free home. Now more than ever, using essential oils, I feel empowered to help myself and my family with our health and well-being. A curious thing about me is I have a seriously reduced sense of smell. Even though I can’t enjoy much of the aromatic bliss of the oils, I’m amazed and inspired by their restorative properties. I absolutely love mixing up effective blends, made with love, and experiencing their results.
pocket essentials
Ooooh, that’s a hard one! I’d have to say other than Thieves or Valor (truly challenging to pick just one), Frankincense is my favorite! I use it in so many areas of my life. This oil embodies ancient wisdom and inspires a deep connection for me. Learning about it’s extraordinary new uses everyday, I’ve discovered that Frankincense is the most versatile oil for health and beauty. From youthful skin in my facial serum, to immune support when I’m feeling low, to grounding me in my yoga practice, its restorative properties coax my being back into balance.
First Oil Success
Thieves, Thieves, Thieves. In May of 2014, as a mother of a 3 year old and pregnant with another baby on the way, a dear friend brought over some oils and her diffuser to help with supporting my son’s run down immune system. After seeing drastic improvement in our family’s health, I was a true believer in the power of essential oils and ordered my starter kit. In the Fall, I was getting ready to send my child to school for the first time. I was apprehensive about what my 3 year old would bring home from his classmates. I also had a newborn, so this was especially concerning. I can honestly say, oils are a true win for any mom who is interested in maintaining a healthy family and healthy home.
Community | Collaboration | Collective Growth
HOMETOWN | Portola Valley, Ca
I am a full-time mother of two children (ages 5 and 3), founder of Little Green Moments, a non-toxic lifestyle blog, and co-author of OIL + GLASS, an essential oils recipe book.
Like many expecting moms, when I was pregnant with my first child I became hyperaware of what I was putting into my body and what long-term effects my choices would have on this baby. I started researching the health effects of exposure to plastics (BPA and phthalates), pesticides, hormones (rBGH), antibiotics, mercury in fish and other neurotoxins, on pregnant, nursing women, and children. The knowledge I gleaned prompted gradual behavioral change; I began to overhaul my lifestyle.
I enjoy creating custom blends depending on the what my family needs (how empowering for a parent!). Essential oils quickly became a natural fit for our non-toxic arsenal.
While we have experienced many successes, my favorite home “test” was using oregano oil twice a day on a skin tag (which I had seen a dermatologist for to have removed)for two weeks…until it simply fell off. Naturally. I knew these plants were powerful after that.
pocket essentials
I could diffuse Thieves oil all day long. Not only do I love the smell of this blend of cloves, cinnamon, eucalyptus, citrus and rosemary, but I like that it helps to eliminate airborne bacteria. I diffuse this throughout the winter months to help boost our immunity and to keep my family healthy.
Johanna K